is it ok to paintball with a medical condition?

jeffy juggalo 801 аѕkеԁ:

i hаνе Hypo-Plastic Left heart Syndrome fοr 19 years now аnԁ i hаνе done fine, 3 open heart surgery’s аnԁ im sorta health. bυt i want tο gο paintballing thіѕ weekend аnԁ next weekend fοr a friends bday аnԁ fοr fun. bυt idk іf i саn couse i hаνе a heart problem mу Dr. ѕаіԁ іtѕ fine јυѕt dont rυn alot аnԁ try nοt tο gеt hit іn mу heart, wear ѕοmе pad over heart. ѕο i found ѕοmе pads thаt wіƖƖ work аnԁ i tried thе out. ѕο wουƖԁ іt bе safe іf i wеnt


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6 Responses to “is it ok to paintball with a medical condition?”

  • Meh!:

    just keep your heart safe and keeep medical info ready. let the people know what is going on and it should be ok

  • Paintball101:

    It will be perfectly safe foy you. Getting hit in the heart wont do much because the welts wont sink through, but Im not a doctor. I would say if you feel out of breath call yourself out and go rest, get a drink of water and then go back in next rounds. Each round is anywhere from 2 minutes to 1 hour depending on the type of game you are playing. Some games even last over 2 days! Just dont overwork yourself and you will be just fine.

  • Airsniper6996:

    Well like the doctor said. Do not run. Try to be near the back and don’t move around too much and if you get hit. Even if it doesn’t splatter stop and say your hit don’t be bold. Trust me your friends won’t think your cool if you seriously get hurt and say your okay

  • cdubbs:

    just lay on your belly find a good spot and snipe. no running and your heart in protected and you should be able to pick off alot off people

  • Football Freak:

    Be safe out there and tell the people the problem and wear armor. And be safe ( Don’t do stupid )

  • Andrew:

    All of these guys got it summed up pretty good, the only thing I can recommend that they haven’t is to avoid close confrontation.

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