paintballing for girls?

neatfreAK47 аѕkеԁ:

mm ѕο mу birthday іѕ іn december ѕο i sort οf wanted tο hаνе Ɩіkе ƖіttƖе gеt together wіth ѕοmе οf mу friends аnԁ i wаѕ thinking paintball? wουƖԁ thіѕ bе Ɩіkе a сοοƖ іԁеа seeing аѕ mοѕt οf mу friends (5 boys аnԁ 9 girls) hаνе probably never played?? i want something outdoorsy bυt i dont want thе weather tο еnԁ up being bаԁ (southern december weather) аnԁ messing up mу plans…:)


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6 Responses to “paintballing for girls?”

  • Jennifer G:

    paintball is not a good idea

    how about camping that will be fun

  • Jack:

    ANYBODY can do these things. Girls play soccer, baseball, maybe football. Why not paintball? I think it’s a good idea.

  • profissor Bogy B:

    If I am in your place, I spend the money to Orphan Charity for Xmas clothes and presents. so I do.
    You still cant get fun with your friends any way simple.

    Make some body happy on your birthday … this is the best way to make a meaning for the occasion.
    I am not a Commonist by the way, but I think. Mile

  • Ianmo:

    the other people have great ideas but i think girls playing paintball is ****!!!!!

    and don’t let no stupid weather rune your birthday ya know it only comes once a year and that one day of the year is all about you!!!!

  • Reza Shahran:

    Its a great idea and lots of Fun… specially when you make teams and play together …
    Find a paintball indoor field so the weather can not mess up your plans.
    Happy Birthday!

  • M M:

    Paintball isn’t a bad idea for a party. Most people enjoy it and the hurt from getting shot, in most cases, goes away rather quickly. Ive played for about 12 years and have had a blast, and Ive seen many girls play . My brother in law and I just recently took his little sister to play, shes 18, and she has plans to play with us again in the future. My sister plays and my girlfriend is planning to play with us next time we go. Don’t worry if girls play or not, I assure you, plenty do. If you do go try and get a group discount, the places Ive played at usually do for birthdays.

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